If you wish to make an anonymous cash donation to Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation Limited, you can drop your cash donation into one of our donation boxes at the following locations:
KAMPUNG SENANG CHARITY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION LIMITED Blk 106 Aljunied Crescent, #01-205, Singapore 380106
Opening Hours: (Mon-Fri) 10am to 7.30pm (Sat) 10am to 6pm (Sun) 10am to 6pm
ELDERLY DAY CARE CENTER Blk 840 Tampines St 82
Opening Hours: (Mon-Fri) 9am to 6pm (Sat) 9am to 1.30pm (Sun) Closed
Please post your cheque to:
Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation Limited Block 106 Aljunied Crescent #01-205 Singapore 380106 Tel: 6749 8509 • Fax: 6844 5815 donation@kampungsenang.org
Please make your cheque payable to “Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation Limited”
On the back of your cheque, please include your:
Full name
Mailing address
Please download, complete, and mail the original hardcopy of the GIRO form to us. The approval process will take approximately 1-2 months. Once the GIRO application is approved, deductions will be made on the 25th of every month..
2021 KS Corporate Donation Flyer_20210522
Please note the following when completing the GIRO form:
If you used your fingerprint instead of a signature for bank account verification, you will need to get your fingerprint verified and witnessed at the bank before mailing the form to us.
If you have made any changes or cancellations on the form, please counter-sign next to those changes/cancellations.
Please do not use any form of correction tape on the form.
Please send your GIRO form to:
We run a variety of events, including public education programmes, cancer screening roadshows, and fundraising activities.
There are many opportunities to partner us by making in-kind donations. However, these will be subject to approval. If you wish to donate, here are some suggested items, which include, but are not limited to: Please kindly adhere with the Home’s hygiene regulations and only donate brand new items.
• Supermarket voucher • Prizes for events • Healthy snacks for events • Vehicles
Donations of medical equipment, diapers, and food supplements will be evaluated and received on a case-by-case basis, based on our beneficiaries needs.
For enquiries, please email: corporatecomm@kampungsenang.org